Disk Gear Generating Wheels                                            OH-04 56449-72 HSS N: 0713
Produced with a class of precision B and angle of mesh = 20 degree. Way of ordering: gear generating wheels – disk, for preliminary cutting 75/100/mm. m.
Disk Gear Generating Wheels                                                BDS 14335-77 HSS N: 0714
The gear generating wheels for final cutting are produced with a classes of precision A and B and a meshing angle = 20 degree. Way of ordering: gear generating wheels – disk, for final cutting – class. m. Do.
Cup-Like Gear Generating Wheels                                        BDS 14395-77 HSS N: 0718
The cup-like gear generating wheels for final cutting are produced with a classes of precision A and B and a meshing angle = 20 degree. Way of ordering: gear generating wheels – cup-like for final cutting – class. m. Do.
Gear Generating Wheels                                                       BDS 13324-77 HSS N: 0719
Classes of precision A and B
Meshing angle - 15 - 30 degree
Way of ordering: Gear Generating Wheels
With tapered tail: class, nominal diameter, module
Disk Shavers                                                             ST of CMEA 882-78 HSS N: 0720
Classes of precision A, B and C
Angle of the teeth screw line - 5 and 15 degrees, left and right inclination
Way of ordering: Disk Shavers- module, class,
nominal diameter, angle and direction of inclination.